The ferret that was in the pet store in Chanute found a new home in
Quenemo KS.  He will be seeing the best ferret vet also!  I would like
everyone to know however that the owner of the pet store could NOT
provide any info on the ferret such as the previous owner's name, THE
FERRET'S NAME, shot records, nothing.  I am still hounding this guy.
I attempted to talk him down from his price of $100 and explained how
easy it is for folks to purchase a baby WITH records for the same amount
but he was beligerant about the whole thing.  Troy Lynn and I hate to
think that he might attempt this again just for the sake of a few
dollars.  The great thing is though that the ferret found a good home
and won't have to go through all that again.
Angie George
[Posted in FML issue 4830]