Well the little runaround was on his way to California and had the
opportunity of dropping in on his way through............were able to
get some members of the club to come even though it was a week night.
What a treat.  Now not everyone may be interested in the bone structure
but if you EVER have the opportunity of listening to him tlak on what
kibble does to ferrets, by all means get in on that lecture.  He has
photos of the skeltons he has examined and it is a marvel.  Not only did
it open most of our eyes to the reason we are seeing such a short life
in our ferrets, but also the pain they are going through as they wear
those teeth away prematurely.
WHat can be done, well he is working on it and the more we become aware
of it, the more something can be done.  We need a totally different kind
of kibble, not everyone can go the raw diet and some of the other stuff
we know is good but doesn't fit our life style, but we can take steps
that are going to change mftgs ways.  It makes sense and by darn, I am
tired of crying my eyes out over losing these guys too soon.
He was here Tuesday, the reason I didn't write earlier is, hummm, care
of ferret teeth also goes for humans too and I needed a trip to the
dentist - teeth effects the heart the kidney and many other organs -
when neglecting them, they know what getting even means.
Millie and her Exploding Drinking it up Cleaningcrew
Ferret Lovers Club of Texas
[Posted in FML issue 4828]