I received, privately, the following after my last post.  This is BY FAR
not the first time I've been contacted by someone who tried to help, who
tried to share for the sake of ferrets and was shotdown in raging flames
by someone(s) on the FML for who knows what reason and to what end...
certainly not the good of ferrets... I would like to share her words in
sincere hope that we can all think before we attack a person rather than
attack and try to change a hateful, harmful situation.
[Per Vicki, permission to post this private e-mail was granted.  BIG]
Her message:
I just wanted to thank you for voicing your opinion about Petco.  I
am a former employee of Petco, and when I posted on the board about my
experiences while working there, the responses to my post went from
understanding and gratefulness for letting people know what's going on,
to downright personal attacks on my character for posting negative things
about the store.  I, like yourself, have seen things at Petco that make
you sick to your stomach and downright pissed that a company with so much
money and resources still treat the animals in their stores like garbage.
I also wish that this wasn't the case, and was not posting just to bitch,
but in hopes others would realize the horrors that these animals go
through and patronize another pet store.  It just boggles my mind how
some people claim to love animals so much, but won't even listen to what
you have to say if they think that you are slandering their workplace.
Or they take it as a personal attack because they shop at Petco.  It
seems to me if someone really, truly cared about animals, they'd want
to know when animals aren't being treated right.  (To say Petco doesn't
treat animals right is a complete understatement.  I have seen animals
be practically tortured at the hands of employees.)  All some of these
people care about is proving that Petco is a good, nice place that's
kind to animals.  So, I just wanted to say thanks for being brave enough
to stand up for the animals.
HER, HER one ferret, and Her other ferret (X and Y are my fuzzie kids)
I changed her name to protect her from hateful mouths..
[Posted in FML issue 4825]