Johnny Rotten (aptly named, eh?) and I have been having this several
months' long now battle over the wireless mouse for my computer.
Try as I do to remember to place it high up on the shelf on my computer
desk when I'm done with it I keep leaving it on the mouse tray.  And I
swear the second that little bastard is out of the cage the FIRST thing
he does is check to see if the mouse has been left unattended.
And he'll even climb up on the PC tower and slink through the keyboard
tray WHEN I'M SITTING HERE in the off chance I might look away.  Looking
at me like "What?"
Choice hiding spots:
- in a box of paid bills covered with a book in my closet
- inside an unused wire waste basket in the closet... buried beneath a
  silk curtain
- on a shelf in the closet at eye level (how the hell do they get up
- inside a pocket on my dog's saddlebags he wears when we go hiking (this
  one took me FIVE DAYS to find - I had to dig out the corded mouse in
  the meantime.  Jake dog's suing him for punitive damages)
It's become a nightly ritual to turn off all the lights in this room so I
can look for the blinking red light on the mouse - calling to me "Help!
Help!  He stole me again!  Save me!"  The scroll wheel is tattered since
that's where he puts his thieving teeth into it to cart it off.  Isn't
the translation of mustela putorious furo "stinky mouse-carrying thief"?
Surely Johnny's pic should be next to that name!!!!!
You will not win Johnny... YOU WILLL NOTTTT WINNNNNN!!!!
- Laura and The Seattle Seven at
[Posted in FML issue 4825]