Our little Tazzicle used to talk, he'd chatter up a storm with the other
ferrets or if he was excited.  He also barked (Really loud!) when he
was startled.  When he was a kit, our cat was always mothering him and
picking him up , carrying him to the kitty bed and putting him back in
there like he was a straying kitten.  He had enough one day and just let
loose with a barrage of barking at the cat, man it was so funny after the
initial shock of what the heck is he doing?  wore off.  Tiger, the proud
mommy, never tried to carry him again after that,hahahaha.
Another time our dog Sampson stepped on his foot while they were playing
and he let loose with the barking again, and also chased Sammy through
the house.  Sammy and the ferrets grew up together and played together
all the time.  Tazz scared him so badly that Sammy wouldn't play with
him and ran away from him for a couple days afterward.
There were also several times that we walked into the room while Tazz was
playing and surprised him.  He would bark and dash under the couch, then
poke his head back out and glare suspiciously for a minute.  Then he
would dart right back out and resume playing again like nothing happened.
What always amazed me besides his barking was the volume.  It was so loud
that you could hear it all the way on the other side of the house.  More
than once my husband came dashing in from the other side of the house to
the sound of Tazz's barking, thinking there was an emergency only to find
me rolling with laughter trying to explain that nothing was wrong, Tazz
was just nutty.  He was never a deaf biter, just a deaf barker.  Over the
years, out of all there ferts we have known, been owned by, fostered, and
babysat, Tazz was the only barker I've ever met.  There have been a few
other deaf ferrets that would chatter though.  Anybody else ever have a
Also, how about personalities in general?  These are always fun, no
matter how many times they are done!
Along with Hannibal the great defender from the vaccuum cleaner,there
are Fenris the obsessive toy hoarder, Socks the grumpy old man, and
recovered fear biter..."it's been 3 years 1 month and 5 days since
my last chomp on a hooman!" (otherwise known as the George Carlin of
ferrets,) Izzy the nazi ("Ferrets and people are the masters.  All dogs,
cats, birds, and anything else are inferior, chasable, and edible."),
Baby the sweet kisser and cuddler, the tummy warmer who will make sure
you never have to sleep on the couch alone.,.U.V.  the great albino
seeker of the stealable compact soda bottle that will fit under the
couch, And Lace the foster kid who will now be a forever kid, also known
as the climber, (can scale the ferret gate in .2 seconds)biter,(has had
at least 4 homes.  we were going to foster her, but upon later learning
of the many homes she has had decided that it's time for the old gal to
settle down into the family life and retire from her traveling days....
hasn't bitten anyone in over 2 weeks now, getting better!) and laundry
inspector.  She is on top of making sure there is the correct balance
of fur added into the clean clothes so we now can rest from the anxiety
of not having enough fuzz to complement that nice work shirt!
What about your guys?
[Posted in FML issue 4822]