>Fiona is deaf and she talks like a normal ferret would.  She actually
>dooks and she does it at the right time.
>Can deaf ferrets speak correctly and use it in the right context.
Oh wow, this is suuuuuch a neat topic.  I love this.  How do your other
hearing ferrets react to her?  Have you noticed anything?  Do they
seem to have the same body language?  Do they seem to initiate contact
equally, or is she a bit aloof at times?  I've had very chatty deaf
ferrets before, but they sound like they could be speaking Russian for
all I know.  It just doesn't quite "sound" the same.  And you can see
fairly clearly, that the hearing ferrets tend to ignore some of the
chatters, hisses, laughing, etc.  I'm supposing, that maybe some of the
sounds ... are actually "spoken" correctly for the most part.  I guess
due to instinct being so strong that it takes over.  But I think the
context is many times wrong.
[Posted in FML issue 4822]