hello my dear friends!  Things are starting to settle down in the new and
improved ferret room.  All of the ferrets (with the exception of Fleur)
are much happier in their bigger space and many of our volunteers have
commented that the kids are more talkative and active.
i have some sad news to share though.  an old favorite of mommie's has
crossed the Bridge and is up here with me.  Alfie stole mommie's heart
1 1/2 years ago when he was left in a cage, on the side of the highway.
then when grandma passed away, he would lick mommie's tears away when
she was sad.  he would run to her every time he saw her.  sadly, he
passed away after surgery to remove a blockage.  he's happy though and
has already been kissed by grandma (she appreciates his love to mommie
when she needed it) and he's giving me some competition with the girls
up here (he's a stunning ferret!).
Pixie has a crush!  She is too cute for words.  she is a very tiny girl
and her crush is a boy named Spankie who is twice her size!  The funny
part is that Spankie is totally scared of her and runs away when she
comes near.  he hides in the cat tree and little Pixie stands on her
tippy toes just to get a glance of him.  she tries real hard to get his
attention by dancing and chatting to him, but he'll have none of that!!!!
Mr. Bean had his adrenal surgery this week.  sadly, his previous owner
allowed the disease to progress too far and his surgery was not a
success.  the adrenal disease has spread and there is nothing that can
be done to remove it all.  it also looks like the adrenal has become
cancerous so please keep him in your prayers.
Poor little Stitchie (Of Lila and Stitchie) is not doing well at the
shelter.  She is starting to have signs of cage psychosis where she
passes back and forth in her cage.  she did this after a while last time
she was dropped at the shelter.  mommie is hoping we can find another
home for the gruesome twosome which will fix this problem.  please keep
her in your thoughts too.
my love to you all! Harley "Bug"
The Ferret Aid Society
"For the Love of our Fuzzy Friends"
[Posted in FML issue 4822]