Neo is doing fine.  He was at Anna's yesterday in Horsham.  The surgery
however, was not successful.  He has a very large and involved abscess
in his neck.  It is involved in his muscles, wind pipe, major veins and
up into the ear area.  She was able to get some of it for a biopsy and
we will know more on Monday.  He is currently on clavomox, has a drainage
tube in, and we must put hot compresses on every 4 hours.  We are going
to try like heck to save this poor boy.  The metal staples the previous
owner put in came out yesterday also.  Please let me know if anyone had
this issue and what worked well for you.  I am going to also try some
homeopathic remedies to help boost his immune system.
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[Posted in FML issue 4821]