>>I've had a fellow apply for adoption and on his application he states
>>that ferrets are omnivores..  he cites his source as "Ferrets for
>>Dummies" but I can't find this statement ----
>>HAS ANYONE else seen this statement in that book?...
>From: Kim Schilling [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>You won't find that statement or anything that remotely resembles such
>a statement in Ferrets for Dummies.  Perhaps you may want to suggest to
>this guy that he read the book more thoroughly before adopting one of
>your ferrets.  Thanks :)
>Kim Schilling
>Author, Ferrets for Dummies
BIG BREATH... Thank you Kim... this is great
I recommend your book often, just as I did to him... I will forward
your message to him so that there can be no mistake what the "author"
intended... but I will do this in all kindness... don't want to upset
him and have him go buy a ferret somewhere else without learning..
[Posted in FML issue 4820]