>[no rabies] and they are determined to keep it that way.  Well Hawaii
>does not feel that the rabies vaccines speciffically for Ferrets has
>been proven effective for a long enough period....
I find that ridicuously, since there have been more rabies testing done
on ferrets than any other animal - they are by far one of the most rabies
resistant species out there.  Ferrets have also had a rabies vaccine
available since 1990 (Imrab-3 By Merial), which is given annually.
Hmm....1990 was way more than 7 years ago.  They should also check the
CDC records to see the ridiculously low number of rabid ferrets reported
over the years.
Just an FYI - I know a lady that is currently working on the legalization
effort in Hawaii, so there is hope, yet.
>anyhow I have been hearing about these ferret show and I am curious how
>you show a ferret.  How do you get them to sit still long enough to
>judge them?  What do you have to do?  (other than shots and paperwork?)
>... on leashes???
I know visions of Westminster with ferrets trotting along in their
harnesses are just running through all your minds now, right?  LOL Ferret
shows are more like cat shows, from what I've heard (never been to a cat
show, myself).  But the judge holds each ferret to judge them, there is
no grand parade :)
There are two types of classes at a ferrets how - Championship and
Championship classes are judging ferrets on confirmation, body
proportion, muscle, structure, health/maintenance and temperment.
Color is only 5 out of 100 points.
Specialty classes are the beauty pageants - classes like Albino, Sable,
Champagne, Mitt, etc.  You are judging the ferret solely on it's
color/pattern and coat condition (temp & maintenance, to an extent, as
well).  But it doesn't matter if your ferret only has three legs, crooked
tail/nose, or other some other issue that would cause them to be scored
low in Championship - if they are the most perfect chocolate color with
the softest coat in the show hall - they'll still win :)
Shows are a great way to meet other people, learn things and buy/win some
really cool stuff (for you AND your ferrets).
You may be interested in checking out the Exhibitors Guidebook on the
AFA website at http://www.ferret.org/events/afashows.htm
for more information.
For entry into any AFA sponsored or sanctioned show, your ferret must be
between the ages of 16 weeks and 6.5 years old, UTD on canine distemper
(Fervac-D or Purevax) and rabies (Imrab-3) vaccines, and tested for
Aleutian Disease Virus (ADV) within 6 months of the show date.
The show packet (available at www.ferret.org) explains this in more
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!
Mary McCarty-Houser
AFA All Class Judge
[Posted in FML issue 4820]