I am not sure if I am doing this correctly...I am a first time poster.=)
I wanted to respond to the many post about Petco.....I bought my two
fuzzies from a small pet store that only kept 1 or 2 at a time...we
thought that was good...they came from Marshals which I find out "ferret
people" don't like (alongwith Petco)
I have a friend who is a vet and she treats all the animals at the Petco
in our town.  She tells me that they take extremely good care of the
ferrets and she even laughs that they do so for the mice as well....if
they take the mice to the vet you can bet they take the ferrets.  I have
talked with the lady who takes care of the ferrets at petco and she is
very knowledgable and I have heard her tell customers that the ferrets
were not a good fit for them due to whatever reason.....we take our
ferrets into petco at least once a week and everyone there loves them
and they welcome me to tell other customers about how much care they
After doing some research it is my belief that Petco as a whole has a
policy to take care of animals and that petco executives try to put
people in place that will do that but as in all places & phases of the
work environment sometimes people just don't do there job.  In that case
it isn't petcos fault its the managers fault and corporate should know
about it!!
Sorry for the long message but My son, 2 ferrets, 2 dogs, cat and
endless fish & I love petco and we just wanted to stick up for them!!
Cyndi Johnson
Celebrations Event Planning
[Posted in FML issue 4819]