>In my opinion, Hawaii is the only state where ferrets should be
>illegal.  There are a lot of flightless birds and endangered species in
>Hawaii.  Introducing a foreign life form would almost certainly have a
>negative impact on their ecology.  Also, since the climate is so mild,
>there would probably be very little die off of the introduced animals.
>This is one instance where I actually agree with the legislaturers.  You
>might be able to get one in as an educational animal, but you would have
>to be extraordinarily careful that there was NO possibility of escape...
>and you know how hard that is with ferrets.
>Melodyt and the nifty nine
Was the original poster not asking about domesticated ferrets or what??
Melody, if you read up a bit on ferrets, they allllll are domesticated
here, (aside from the wild Black footed ferrets - just ask Bob C, totally
different species), these domesticated ferrets that they original poster
was asking about, would NOT be able to survive in the wild if they
escaped.  They would starve to death.  They wouldnt recognize flightless
birds or your other endanged species as food, nor would they know even
how to catch one.
This is exactly why the legislators in CA dont get it.  Please dont
spread the wrong info around.
[Posted in FML issue 4819]