Hi Folks.....it is I, Catherine "Behind The Zion Curtain" Garcia,
inflicting upon you yet another of my observations.  Only this one is
not "tongue in cheek."  I am going to attempt to be serious.  (I am able
once in while, but don't tell anyone.  I will continue to cultivate the
"air head" appearance, OK?)
Until Luis got so sick and needed me, I was the Director for the Office
for Persons With Disabilities for the Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City.
(Helluva mouthful, huh?  You should have seen my business cards, folks.
It was something else.....especially when you added the "logo." LOL!)
The Diocese covers Utah and part of Nevada.  It is not an Archdiocese
like you see in St. Louis, Chicago, etc., etc.  (Hey, considering we are
in UTAH we do pretty darn good!)
I had many people coming to me with various and sundry issues.  Many just
needing someone to talk to who "understood" and cared.  Some had children
with Autism and were hoping I could help them.  Now, I did research on
this subject, although obviously I am no where near as knowledgeable as
Wolfy.  I would refer them to different agencies, and suggest, too, the
Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Program for their children's religious Ed....
(for those of you who don't know and might care, Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy
sponsored and "set up" resources for mentally disabled individuals and
religious ed.  It is a Godsend, let me tell you!  God Bless her!  It was
inspired by her mentally disabled daughter, the sister of JFK and Bobby,
Ironically, about the time I had discovered "pet therapy" was being
experimented with for some of these children, I read about Sean and
Rocky.  It was just what I had been looking for, let me tell you.  I
copied that article and shared it with my "clients."  Some just cried
to see that someone else was going through a similar situation and had
found hope and help through a cute, furry animal!
Now, I cautioned them that obviously this would not work or be for
everyone.  They should work with their Doctors , etc.  I am not and was
not a Physician or therapist, just someone with "resource connections"
and what I hoped was and is a good dose of compassion.
Since I am not in that position anymore, I have not been able to follow
up and find out who might have benefited through this.  But if even one
soul was helped, one family comforted, then it is worth it!
I hope Mary and Eric Shefferman still read this list.  They need to know
that that article helped people.  It gave hope.  It showed that there
were and are success stories.  They did a great service with "Modern
Ferret." More than perhaps they realized.  Also, on a personal note, they
did our family a great service too.  Luis was an "amateur artist." He did
a mural on the wall of a New York restaurant (he lived in New York for
about eight years after immigrating from Mexico City before moving out
here to the Salt Lake Valley where I met him.  He was my waiter.  Other
people take home doggie bags when they eat out.....we joked I took home
the waiter......it's really not as wretched as it sounds, folks.....but
that is another story and I promised to try to be serious.....) but
nothing that he felt got any "notice" other than some ceramic work here.
He did a little cute cartoon (that was his style) of our first ferret
Pato depicting how the dear little sheet shark would attack and "eat"
his toes/feet in the middle of the night.  Modern Ferret published it.
His daughter is so proud to say "look, my Papa was published for his
work!" My dear mother-in-law took several copies (I had hoarded lots
of copies..... I wondered at the time why I bought so many......I now
know.....) back to Mexico City after the funeral.  She is so, so proud.
That magazine touched people.  I hope to see it again.  God bless you
both.  You've been through Hell....... I can't say I know what you're
going through completely because Luis' flare-up of Crohn's was very
sudden and very severe.....but those months were agony.  Pure Hell for
him.  He was sick and in pain the entire time, unable to work, and in
and out of the hospital.  I thought I would lose my mind.  That they
coincided with the problem that led to his demise was sad, but not
related to it.
I know I post this little story periodically.  It is not a "Oh,
feel-so-sorry-for-Catherine-and-what-she's-been-through."  We all have
our crosses to bear.  But the point I am trying to make is the same one
that was made in one of my favorite movies "It's A Wonderful Life."
Each of us in our lives touch others in ways we do not realize.  We make
a difference, whether or not we know it.
Sean and Rocky's story made a difference to many people.  Their
publishing that silly little cartoon has brought comfort to many people,
both here and in Mexico.  And Wolfy's work has helped many.
Just like all the information we try to share with each other makes a
difference.  Sharing and caring is important, folks.  Treating each other
decently is important.
My dear friend Margie, my roommate for the past year and a half, is a
very knowledgeable person when it comes to ferrets.  Especially when it
comes to rehabbing bad biters.  She has done more than people realize.
She has had some rough times and life has used her for a hockey puck.
But she has so much to share.  I wanted to tell her publicly that I
wish she would share more and not be afraid.  She has too much knowledge
not to.
Thanks to all of you who share and are too numerous to name.  "Snaps to
you all!" (Wolfy understands this.....anyone who wants a translation can
ask and I will gladly share!  LOL!)
Behind The Zion Curtain
"You have all the equipment, you just need to read the manual"
- Elle Woods
[Posted in FML issue 4817]