Wolfy, dear, can you please tell me what BIG really looks like?  I seem
to be getting conflicting reports, and I want to know who to go GET for
threatening to pipe my iPod music (after they "dissed" my musical
choices, I might add......) over the sound system.......I must know upon
whom to exact my revenge.....LOL!  (It is not a terrible revenge......
after all "snaps for Bill for all he's done!) and 'SNAPS FOR WOLFY!!
Well, I have the "what-to-wear-to-the-celebrity-auction" down to a couple
of items or so....... Ah, decisions, decisions......LOL!  Now, if we
could just do something about from the neck up........sigh.....oh well,
blame genetics......<G>
Behind The Zion Curtain
"Why let someone do for you what you can do for yourself....except in the
case of eyebrow maintenance!" - Elle Woods
[Posted in FML issue 4816]