Greetings to all in fml land
It has been a while since I have written anything and thought perhaps you
would be interested in the goings on here.
It has been a busy time this month so far for one of our littlest gals
Charity,she started losing her fur around Christmas, I didn't want to
believe it but in January it became rather obvious.  Now getting to a
ferret specialist for help in this area is no small feet for a 1.2 lb
ferret.  It involves a trip all the way to the big city up north, Kansas
City,MO.  So last Tuesday Charity and her little cage mate Hope were
bundled up and taken for a 3 hour car ride (Grace didn't get to go
cause sometimes she bites new people).  When we got to the Belton Animal
Clinic we met the nicest people including the vet Dr Bradley.  Charity
was given a physical exam, had blood drawn (where she promptly provided
an unneccessary urine sample).  The doc was all ready to begin her lupron
shots when we got a pleasant surprise, her cbc and Chem test came back
pretty normal.  So it was decided to wait for the results of the adrenal
panel before taken any further drastic steps.  In the mean time Ms
Charity and her little cagemates received a present from mom for being
such a good girl at the doctors office, a trip to the pet store for a
swank new hanging bed, with red fleece and stars of course.  I hope to
have the results of the adrenal panel Monday so keep Charity in your
Also in defense (I guess ) of the lady who wrote about Petco and it
depending on the store as to how well the animals were treated.  I
believe shes right.  We normally go to the Petco in Jefferson City there
the employees are very knowledgeable about the animals and downright love
them.  I have had some people dump some of the shelter occupants there
and the employees ask about them almost every time I go in there.  But
the Petco in Kansas City where Charity and Hope got to go the employees
were rather uninterested, when I pointed out that one of the little fancy
mice looked as though he was being picked on by the other 3 mice, (he
had a bloody sore on his little back) the guy just kind of chuckled and
stated that they did that to another mouse.  He wouldn't remove it or
anything.  So maybe it does depend on which one you go to.
Other than that things are well here.  We actually have adopted out
everyone who was adoptable and haven't had that usual month or two
after Christmas dropoffs yet.  Spring is in the air and shelter mom is
attempting to start a few plants indoors.  That means that shelter
babies are trying their best to dig them up first as surely that is why
they are in here.  So until later.
Goodbye from
Kim and the Coffee Creek Ferret Rescue gang
[Posted in FML issue 4816]