Did you know that as soon as you arrive in the area of a symposium,
you'll see people meandering about wearing all sorts of ferret
paraphernalia such as hats, shirts, jewelry, etc and can spot them from a
mile away?  Even if you're shy, they can often "sniff" you from a mile
away and they will initiate a conversation even if you don't.  Once you
do start to talk to someone, you begin to feel like you've just stepped
into the twilight zone and into a different world.  You'll find yourself
in a world where everyone is easy going, friendly, family like, funny,
and accepting.  I felt like I could breathe ... breathe for the first
time in my life.  It was indescribable.  There is an environment for
everyone.  And I really mean that.  Any one can find their little niche.
There are areas where people like to be loud and silly, areas where you
can step into a crowd of professionals or intellectuals, places to stuff
your face, corners to drift off and nap, opportunities for more intimate
exchanges, a hotel bar to just bump into any old body that you normally
would never have the chance to talk to, tables to browse and shop, BIG to
harass, and so much more.  Please don't let something like an assumption
such as "I won't fit in" stop you.  Please.  There are older people,
young single people, doctors, first time ferret owners, house wives,
breeders, shelter people, curious people, shy people, burned out people
that are hoping for that last inspiration to stay involved, tattooed
people, conservative people, scientists, sales people, writers,
physically disabled people, families, and mentally disabled people.
Everyone can find comfort.  Everyone can fit in.
If anyone is horribly shy, has a mental disability, or is scared, and
would like to go but is hesitant.  Please contact me at my private email.
I have some insight and some very information for you.  Just drop me a
line ...
[Posted in FML issue 4815]