Hey!!  The Terrible Trio here again.
We have to comment on some of the recent posts about collars on our
We know how cute we look with the pretty collars that all of you nice
people take the time to make for us but we just want to remind you of a
few things.
1. Never leave us where you cannot see us if you put the pretty collars
   on us.
2. Be ready at a moments notice to help us if we get stuck!  the collars
   do not always slide off.
3. Never put us in a cage with the collar on us.
4. Always make sure that the collar is not tight.
5. Remember there have been quite a few of our cousins that have been
   hurt real bad from the collars catching on things when we run and
   dook and dance for you.
We know that a lot of you will not like what we are saying here but, we
have to say it.  If we can save just one of our cousins from getting hurt
we don't care how much you complain about collars saying that you leave
them on our cousins so you can find them.
If our cousins that live in your house are like us that have a room of
our own with the cage doors always open, and the race tubes always there
to run in and out, and all of the other toys that we play with that we
hide in the places that you cannot always see you will never know untill
it is to late if one of us gets caught and can't get free.
Remember all of our posts like this are just to help keep our cousins
safe, healthy, and we like to keep all of our cousin's mom's and dad's
informed of the dangers that are lurking out there.
Stevy, Sierra, & Frosty
Come Visit Us At
[Posted in FML issue 4814]