I still have alot of wonderful Ferret Magnets which when you donate to
our shelter, we will send you in return.  For every $1.00 you donate,
you will get two magnets.  They are decent sized magnets would be great
to give to friends, relatives, vets, teachers etc.  We just redid all
our magnet styles when we opened up our online store, so we are just
liquidating the older styles.  We are working to pay off over $2000.00 in
medical bills.  Thanks to everyone who has donated so far!  It is greatly
appreciated by all the ferrets in my rescue!
Marguerite from TinyPrints
TinyPrints On The Heart.....
TinyPrints Shih Tzu, TinyPrints Ferretry and Rescue
Ebay Sales to Benefit TinyPrints Ferret Rescue Medical Fund
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue PetFinder Web Page
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue Store
[Posted in FML issue 4812]