Marilyn wrote:
>I have been reading so much about the strained baby food chicken, I began
>to feel guilty for using the jars.  Needless to say, the ferrets I have
>here, expecially the love of my life Charity, are all agents for Guilt
>Trips..... Everyone likes it, but, Charity still wants her white meat
>cut up in little pieces and stacked beside her dish.  That way, she
>knows she got hers, in the soup, you never can tell.  Also, she will not
>eat dark meat, as in turkey legs, she will push it out through her cage.
OH for pete's sake Marilyn!!!!!- as a baby all Charity got was dark
chicken meat ( it was far less expensive) -- now you have gone and
spoiled her-- she thinks she has to eat like the queen!  LOL
Alicia  D
[Posted in FML issue 4812]