I'm sure everyone has, by now, heard about the chimps that seriously
and viciously mauled a man in California.  His face was chewed off,
all fingers on BOTH hands are now gone, his testicles bitten off, his
foot mauled.  There was an article in the Sacramento Bee newspaper about
wild animals and *somehow* this idiot Martarano of the Fish and Game
Department has managed to toss ferrets in the list of "wild and
ferocious" animals.  *sigh*  I don't see how chimps (who have more
strength than a human) can compare to a ferret.
In part, the article states: "California has stringent rules regulating
the keeping of exotic animals.  Not just lions and tigers and bears, but
vipers and ferrets and hares - the state's list of restricted animals
fills pages."
[Posted in FML issue 4811]