Hi all, dis be Ms SaraFerret.  My Mommy got a special mail about a furry
named Bunny--she wasnt on de list so she asks Mommy directly if Is could
gweet her when she came trotting across de bwidge.
Well, Mommy JC, Ms Bunny came acwoss a while back, slowly walking across
de bridge repeating after herself, SaraFerret, pink, ribbons on wings and
over and over.  She was so slow and timid, I has to run out to de bwidge
and helps her cross.
I asks her why she was so scarey and all dat when we made it across.  And
den de truth was out.  She was deformed from burns and looked strange.
She hugs me and hugs me and pwomises me dat we will always be best buds.
Oh wowsie, had she had burns from an electric cord and den de first
owners just dumped hers off at de pounds and left her dere until Mommy JC
took her home.  I assures her dat no one laffs after de first encounter.
I says looks at me no furs except de bushy tail dat de Boss gave me at
Christmas time.  I had to strip down butt naked to show her--us ferrets
are all dat modest.
Oh she says I see.  Buts when I gots dwessed again in pink she says she
heards about de new wings wit ribbons (OH_OH I knew dere would be a new
fad once dose ribbons got out.  She says her Mommy tells her all abouts
SaraFerretin Pinks, and dat she could have a ribbony wings.  So all of a
sudden her bud Ren Ferret shows up and he is so joyful to sees her--he
says de Ferret Haven ferrets are getting together a welcomes party for
hers and dat is why dey couldnt come.  So what could I do.
I took Bunny over to de big place and we signs her names in de Boss's big
book of ferrets and den poor Merry ferret came out wit a selection of
be-ribboned wings.
Oh wowsie Bunny says--now which one.
I looks at her and says well a nice pale lavender would bring out your
pretty eyes and de pink ribbons would be great.  So she twots over dere
and looks at de small selection and she says do you tink I will really
look pwetty wit dis.  I assure her she would and Ren of course says she
would be a dazzler.  And of course we stwaps de wings on her--a great
fit and dey did bwing out de color of her eyes.  And den de halo--dese
wibbons were entertwined and not hanging down but dey sparkles like
diamonds and we placed de halo on her like a cwown.  She really looked
like a princess.  And of course de hammie was pale lavender very soft
flannel, but she was given de pink ribbons to weave in herself.  Oh she
was so happy--she war danced and danced and danced and everyone was
joining in.  And den Ren says wells we has to be getting to yr new home
and SaraFerret why donts you come along wit us.
As we got closer to de house Ren gwabbed de hammie from her and ran to
de house and ran back again and picks up Bunny and carries her across de
threshold of de new Ferret Haven (Rainbow Bwidge Bwanch).  And of course
dere were lilacs and lavender flowers and sweet williams all smelling so
nice untilsomeone poofed in excitedment.  Oh well, its our smell, it only
bothers hoomans.  Dere were otters, blackfoots, skunks (musteys?), and
one or two misguided cats who tought dey were ferrets.  Cakes, kibbles,
candys, and cookies all were dere and of course, water, iced sweet tea
and Pepsi.  Pepsi is my fav.
So Mommy JC you may have tought dat your Bunny had not cwossed de Bwidge
but she did and she has been welcomed and is now off probation.  She runs
over and checks you out in de reflecting pool.  And de next comet dat
comes around its gonna have a Bunny on its tail to run downs to yr house
and whens you are sounds asleep she will kiss you and whisper sweet dooks
in yr ears.
Love and dooks and Peace On Earth
[Posted in FML issue 4811]