Dear Mommy Jessica
Dis is SaraFerret.  Sandee contacted me a few days ago and asks me if I
could check on your furries who had just recently crossed over into the
beautiful paradise aka Rainbow Bwidge.  She was justs swamps from all de
gweetings and checkings and also getting ready for the great trip I has
planned for a group going to ermine land.  (Dis was gonna be just a few
ferrets and kits-maybe 10 or so--it has become a massive undertaking (I
know been at de dictionary agains) of more than 60 to 100 furries, kits,
all sorts of musteys and of course de big Gweat Pyrenees who gwaciously
offered to haul us dere).
So many apologies as I slipped up on checking yr furkids.  I is de leader
of dat pack dat is going on de twip.  I sure hopes you still loves me and
dont tell DE BOSS dat I messes up.
Anyway, chattering asides.  I goes to get on Sneeka and Spence.  Sure
enough dey are living with de other business ferrets.  I dwops in dere
for a chats and tells dem dat dere Mommy Jessica was wantings to know
how dey were all doing.
I tells dem dat Mommy still cwies over their leavings.  Well firsts dey
wants to show me rounds dere den--wowsie dis is one classy clean den
guarded by Sneeka who has threats dem dat if dey get one dwops of dust
or tings out on HER FLOOR dat dere will be dire tings happening.  It is
fairly close but not too close to de blackfoots (de boys sure do like
dem blackfoots, otters, skunkys, other musteys).  In fact you can just
barely hear de noise of a zillion (no I am not making dis up) running up
de tunnels and slides down and jumps in de mud.  Sneeka sniffs her nose
at de idea of such silliness (giggle but I hears tru de grapevines dat
she does her own tunnel and mud stomps after she has a bit of catnip.
Heh-heh-- who would have thot dat.  But dey are all so happy to be
together and of course Spence has his own way of doing tings--btw Mommy
are yous missing a sweatshirt--one musta sneaks across in Spence's secret
backpack as he now sleeps on it to reminds him of Mommy.  Dey all miss
you Mommy, but dey tells you not to worry and not to rush getting here as
dey are ok and of course yous of course have lots of other tings to do.
Spence and Sneeka wants to know if yous heard dem de other night as dey
slid down a comet tail and hopped into yr home and crawled into yr bed
and dooked in your ear very softly and den gave you a nice wet furry kiss
(everyone knows us musteys give gweat kisseys.  Dey says you didnts wakes
up but you has a big smiles on your face when dey left and dey wants to
tell you just to looks at de stars and tink of dem looking down to yous
thru de reflecting pool
Big hugs and smoochie kisses to Mommy Jessica from her furchildren at De
[Posted in FML issue 4803]