I was cooking a seven seas dish the other day, when I got a bright idea.
Now granted this wasn't an original idea.  I got the idea from an
eccentric member of the FML who lived in a houseboat with her critters
off the pacific coast.  Years ago she was babysitting Lynn Seigals two
ferrets Gator and Hawk when she decided to toss them some baby octupus.
From what I remember they enjoyed eating them.  So I was stirring the
little sea critters around in my pan when I thought to myself, that maybe
my ferrets would like a baby squid or octopus.  After all that would be a
healthy snack, right?  So we showed our ferrets the squiggly creature I
rescued from the pan.  They were all curious and excited but eventually
they all turned their noses up to it.  All but one, my maties.  All but
one.  And who was the only one to give it a whirl?  None buy myyyyyyyy
Dippy.  Ever hear that a pet resembles their owner?  Well, boy my little
girls in the past several years have been exactly like me.  The boys that
the men own in this house, are nothing like me.  Dippy is a real corker.
Sean was the one that gave it to her and he reported that she snatched
that sucker right out of his hands and went running around the room with
her treasure ... squiggly tentacles dangling out of her mouth, suckers
and all.  She'll eat anything!  Just ... like... me!  If only I had a
picture of this dainty little ferret with a baby squid hanging out of
her mouth.  I'll be ready next time, that's for sure.
[Posted in FML issue 4808]