Dear Saraferret,
I had to help a sweet little girl to the Bridge on Wednesday March 2,
2005.  She had only been with me for about 3 weeks but stole my heart.
When she was feeling up to it she loved Pounce cat treats and She loved
sleep sacks.  I only got to see her dook and dance once but now she is at
the bridge I hope she able to show how well she can perform to all the
ones who are there.  She will be looking for 3 other fuzzies who passed
before her: Max, Ziggy and Levon.  She was so dainty and everything she
did was too, her fur was so thick.......she was quite the looker.
This was so hard to do.  This is the first time I have gone through a
little one being so so sick.  For the last week of her life I was giving
her sub Q fluids, but she just couldn't stay hydrated.  (It's amazing
what you will learn to do when it comes to these guys) I was feeding her
by syringe every 3-4 hours what I could get her to eat.  She was down
to skin and bones and I was so desperate to save her, I guess it just
wasn't meant to be.  She was diagnosed with helicobacter and was passing
dark tarry stools, she hated the meds and I tried to mask them with the
feedings of soup.  The last couple of days her poor little bum and
surrounding areas looked as though they were bruised and her skin was
turning shades of yellowish orange.  I keep thinking I could have done
more sooner.  I hated having to have her put down, but I could see she
just couldn't take anymore.  I spent an hour, before we made the final
trip to a vet, telling her of the bridge and how beautiful it would be,
how she would feel so much better and she would get to see Max.  I kept
telling her I tried and that I was so sorry I couldn't save her.  Please
let her know she will never be forgotten.
Sincerely broken hearted,
[Posted in FML issue 4808]