you are such a wealth of information!  I have learned so much from your
postings, and I can never be able to thank you enough for your sharing
of knowledge!  Uh, are you a Dr., or a Vet?  should be... much more
knowledgeable than most!
I need to read your input before throwing my 3 neurons into the pot!  I
had ass-umed that there would be a rabies' vaccine that would work on
these little guys, and am saddened to find out this is not so.  So, same
with opossums?  I 'baby sat' one for a week (no one else over here would
touch him), and that was a hoot!  He did, how-ever after deciding I was
a bit of alright, start giving me gentle(?) lovebites on the neck while
riding around on my shoulder!  No, I didn't go to the doc, nor did I
'report' it.  That was 2-3 years ago, and Arlo has since passed (males
are very short-lived), but I do know that there is a Skunk Underground,
and Possum Underground just as there is a Ferret Underground in CA.
I do know that there is a higher risk of rabies here in WA from bats,
squirrels, and skunks, but have only heard of the bats (That I also think
are cute as hell) as having tested positive.
Input Sukie, need more input!
Hugs and Weasel kisses from the 15+2 (yep ferret math... have 2 more that
we didn't have yesterday!!!) heh heh heh
[Posted in FML issue 4803]