Hey there everyone,
My little girl is about 5 1/2 years old.  She has never had any health
problems as of yet, and for that I am thankful.  But now we are reaching
that all important 6 year mark in October.  I just started noticing that
after about 10-15 minutes of playtime out of the cage Baby will "flat
ferret" for 2-3 minutes then resume play.  I know this is normal but she
continuously does this evey few minutes after the first time.  I have
also notices she "stares off into space" periodically.  I know that is a
tell-tale sign of insulinoma so I have a vet appointment on friday with
bloodwork scheduled.  Even though I have had her for almost 6 years, Baby
is my first ferret so I need to know what is sickness and what is "older
ferret behavior".
Also I need some tips for yummy nutritious treats for Oscar.  He will be
1 in May and is sooo picky.  The ONLY treat we can get him to take is
ferretone.  He turns his nose up at everything else.
We've Tried: TF treats...raisins..chicken baby food, chicken meat,
turkey,yoagies... ( I don't normally give raisins or yoagies but I just
want to see what I can get him to take)
I want to be able to teach him to come to me and other such tricks....all
my babies have learned to "rollover" except him...lol
Baby and Oscar
Earning his wings....Ricky
[Posted in FML issue 4805]