Since I guess I opened a "can of worms" by posting my opinion on ferret
food versus cat food, I'm posting to the list my response to Wendy's
email to me.  I hope this clarifies what I was trying to get across on
my original post yesterday.  It was also brought to my attention by one
of our members today there is an article in the May/June 2005 issue of
"Ferrets" magazine entitled "Why Your Pet Deserves Ferret-Specific Food".
Maybe we should all take a look at what is being said in this article.
Hi Wendy,
I do apologize for you assuming that I was attacking you - I certainly
wasn't.  I guess when I read the FML yesterday it struck a chord.  I
usually don't post because email usually isn't read the way the spoken
word is taken.  I was not siding with TF or any other specific ferret
food, I was siding with ferret food in general, not cat food and stated
what I feed to make sure that everyone understands that I practice what
I preach!
My point being that if we don't stand behind the manufacturers of ferret
food, they might just fade away due to lack of support from the ferret
community.  Pet ownership statistics are gathered from pet food sales;
therefore, if we feed cat food to our ferrets, what does that show the
manufacturers - that ferret owners are just adding to the statistics of
cat ownership in the US.  I certainly don't want to be included in that
All I would like people to do that feed cat food to their ferrets is ask
the manufacturer if they have done feeding trials on ferrets and what the
results have been, if any have been completed.  How can a food be fed
that has not been tested on the animal that is eating it?  That's the
point I'm trying to make.  I'm not trying to start a food war here.
And yes, after living with many ferrets (over 1,400) for over 18 years,
I feel I have done my research and I'm satisfied with the decision I've
made for all the ferrets that come through the shelter door; and that's
to feed a high-quality ferret food, not cat food.
Kathy Fritz, Executive Director
The Ferret Nook Ferret Shelter
Cambridge, WI 53523
(608) 423-3315
[log in to unmask] - One stop shopping for all your ferret(s) needs!
[Posted in FML issue 4833]