Hello, this is Susie Lee with all our Ferrety News for the Ferret And
Dove Sanctuary.
Many new little faces have been coming in over the past few weeks.  New
adoption list-ees are Minx Masked Marvel and his buddy, Jinx Jumping
Jiminy, each around 4 yearsold, looking for that extra-special "someone".
Needing a mention for his youthfulness is 6-to-8-month old Sean Seamus
Patrick O'Ferret, who has been learning to get along with other ferrets
to play with, although he still prefers his own den to himself.  More
recently, within the last four days, new intakes who may be available,
again, to a special-care adoptor, because one of these is over 6 years
old, are Klondike Bear Ferret, 7, and his lovley little friend, Miss
Pepper Fair Ferret, 4.  And, finally, rounding out out list of new faces
(though hers is somewhat more triangular) is a year-old little fiesty
lady named Marilyn Schnoozle Ferret.
Just one sad note for all these happier, hopeful little tootles is
Aristotle SilverFerret's buddy, 8 year old Socrates LightRoan Ferret,
has passed on from a bad heart, although it had been only physically so,
for his spiritual heart filled his whole self, always being there for
his friend, even through some very rough times before they were rescued
by some very considerate humans and brought to us bedraggled and nearly
starved over two years ago.  Socrates at first "defended" his buddy
before realizing that no one, not even the other ferrets, here, would
hurt them and came to look forward to their morning playtimes with the
rest of the ferret-gang.  So old Socrates will be missed by many more
than his good buddy.
[Posted in FML issue 4833]