Andy,Ziggy and the shelter kids just want to remind you that we have a
raffle going on for the pet bed.
For information on the raffle you can go here:
Hello shelter friends, mum tolds me because I was the one complaining
the loudest about getting a washer; I needed to give you an update on
what is going on with that.  First of all, I has changed my mind about
getting a new washer in here for us.  I has had several emails telling
me that my beauteous blankies I keep getting in the mail is not going to
stay beauteous if mum don't get a washer!  We do needs a washer for sure
because I need my blankies to stay beauteous just like that camed.
Next we are real real close to getting the washer we need.  Kaleigh and
Peter said they would go pick it up and deliver it to us as soon as we
has enough money to order it..  Like I said mum says we is real real
close so if you wants to push us up to the end I will personally send
you a picture of me ( I am so handsome) with one of my new blankies with
a big big thank you...
Wet nose kisses
Brave Heart AKA Stinky Boy AKA I can't bmember what Angie calls me, I
like her AKA name better..  Miss Angie Help what do you call me
All the information you need on our web site at
nder Help our Shelter then Bubbles for Blankies.
Make A Donation
To The Shelter
For The Washer
NOW With Pay Pal
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International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator
Lakeroad Ferret Farm E-Bay Store
Winter Fund Raiser for Lakeroad Ferret Farm
Don't have time for a ferret of your own?  You can sponsor one of our
fur kids.
There are new faces at the shelter go take at look at kids looking for
new homes.
Andy-cub reporter, shelter kids, & oh yeah mum too!
Petfinder Page
[Posted in FML issue 4833]