Dear Saraferret,
four years ago this March 31, my beloved Ziggy passed away without any
warning.  I didn't get a chance to tell him goodbye or even be with him
as he died.  Ziggy was my special boy.  Each morning he would crawl up on
to my lap for a bite of bagel and then when the MTV music came on I'd put
him over my shoulder and we'd dance around the room.  He loved Mambo #5
and I always changed the girls names to all the ladies in his life.  He
loved to go places with me and when he couldn't go he flat dogged and
looked miserable.  He's with all the ladies he loved, Lillian, Sylvia,
Molly Ann, Weasey, Franny, and Sissy.  He left behind a heart-broken mom
and a lonely white Taz ferret who he had taken under his paw to try and
raise correctly.
My beautiful sable boy only lived to be six but left me a lifetime of
memories.  I miss him so much Saraferret, will you please let him no
I never turn on MTV any more and his dad never has anyone using his
toothbrush nowadays to scratch himself with?  Tell him I burnt his
special flag when he left because I couldn't bear to see anyone else
play with it.  I love my boy and there will never be another like him.
Thank you for checking on him.
Ziggy's lonely mom
[Posted in FML issue 4832]