And why are you feeding your ferret CAT food?  Has it been tested for
ferrets?  I guess I just don't understand why ferrets are still being
fed cat food when there are several very good choices of ferret food on
the market today.  Personally, all the ferrets here at our shelter (mine
included) are fed Totally Ferret and I know for a fact that it has been
tested in ferret feeding trials.  And we all wonder why our ferrets
aren't being taken seriously in the market place.  We wouldn't feed dog
food to our cats, nor cat food to our dogs so why are we still feeding
cat food to ferrets?
Kathy Fritz, Executive Director
The Ferret Nook Ferret Shelter
Cambridge, WI 53523
(608) 423-3315
[log in to unmask] - One stop shopping for all your ferret(s) needs!
[Posted in FML issue 4832]