Once again Wolfy, in her infinite wisdom, has hit the nail right on the
thumb...oops, I mean head!  We can all be cranky, obnoxious, and down
right jerky at times.  Part of being the human beast......as long as
it's just the occasional, and not the constant, then "it's all good."
And, it is so, so true that without seeing and knowing a person, one
cannot sometimes get the "tone" correct of what they are trying to say.
We all can have trouble, even if it's just a bad day, in getting our
words and true meanings across at times.
The truly evil ones are the ones that blast others for their opinions,
blast them for disagreeing with them, etc., etc., if it doesn't agree
with them.  On a consistent basis..... It is so easy to be cruel when you
are in an online environment and not "face-to-face." I look forward to
the day when we can "see" each other (although God knows I will probably
scare the Hell of some folks......especially first thing in the morning)
easily as we e-mail, post, etc.  Maybe we will all think twice, even on
bad days, about being unkind.  I can dream, right?  And believe me,
I've been a total cow myself on occasion...........so I'm not vying
for Sainthood.  They don't make perverted, warped individuals Saints,
anyway......... LOL!
And if their are people in business suits, does that mean if I show up in
my "Legally Blonde" T-shirt, no one will categorize me as an "immediate"
weirdo?  As for tattoos, I have the one my daughter bought me for my 40th
birthday-midlife-crises (those suckers hurt.....I don't know how people
like my older kids, for example, can get the big ones.........) mine is
in a discrete "never-sees-the-light-of-day-unless-I-go-swimming"
place.......and no where near any "naught bits" thank you very much!
Seriously, it's nice to hear people are kind there......and it's nice to
see civility reign here again.
We are blessed!
Behind The Zion Curtain
"No one looks good in paisley...." - Elle Woods
[Posted in FML issue 4805]