Switch & Lily Weasel wrote:
>"Well, why NOT euthanize Soren?  Heck, it may even be legal in Denmark."
I'm afraid I have to agree with them......I can euthinize Soren, and I'm
sure I could get away with it if I plead insanity.......I have enough
people who will vouch for that!!!  :-)
The man is such a liar, he wrote me a nice letter telling me how he is
only retiring older ferrets and had someone to buy them, and he is making
new cages for them.......As far as I am concerned, euthanizing is too
good for him......we should lock him up and treat him the way he treats
the ferrets.  Course, with someone like him, it wouldn't get through to
the pea brain he has.
As for Switch & Lily Weasel, don't punish them too hard, mom, they were
only saying what we all feel!  :-)
Deb & Pita Bread
[Posted in FML issue 4805]