Dear Ferret Folks-
Yesterday Robin wrote:
>I need some suggestions as to how to keep my ferrets from squeezing
>themselves under their ferret room door.
Well, I think I've hit on the answer, although it's a bit complicated.
Are you familiar with the Wells and Fargo security trucks?  This company
moves cash from place to place, picks up cash deposits from businesses
and the like.  They drive specially modified trucks, about twenty feet
long constructed with re-inforced steel cladding and bulletproof glass
all around.  Those suckers are HEAVY.
What you need to do is somehow bring one of these trucks right into your
house, you might need a good chainsaw, and certainly a saws-all.  Make
sure you don't cut any weight bearing walls if you can help it, or the
whole shebang might collapse on you.  You can always jack the upper
floors up with temporary steel lolly-columns.
Anyway, tip the truck on its side (careful here!  Don't drop it or you
may wind up with a new express entrance to your cellar!) and slide the
roof against the gap beneath the ferret room door until it's flush up
against it, blocking it completely.
There now!  Let 'em squeeze under *that*!
Alexandra in MA
[Posted in FML issue 4797]