We 'Americans' are a funny sort......when we find something 'good' or
'neccessary', we want to keep it that way!  By Petsmart`s long-standing
policy of no ferret kits, & adoption only for cats & dogs being
acceptable & 'proper', we become used to things being as they should!!
In other words, when we find something we like, we tend to keep it that
way!!  If it ain`t broke, don`t fix it!
We all know that they(petsmart) are in it for the money...let`s face
it, not for the fun of it.  BUT why change things that are considered
'morally' correct?  I sympathize with the few shelters & rescues that
operate "out of need" for their services, and feel that they do not need
more 'retail throw-outs"!!  To all those defending 'Petsmart`s' decision
to test-sell kits, we know all about the profit story, and as a 'group',
WE are opposing & questioning the NEED for another retailer.  I`ve always
enjoyed & complimented the petsmart stores for their adoption policies,
and cannot see the reasoning for their decision.  When we find something
that we 'like', we want to keep it that way!!
There is no arguement valid for the 'pro' side of their decision!  Only
money!  And, if possible, we 'citizens', want to keep their present
'no-sell' policy just that....because 'we like it that way'!!!
As said before, "THINK PEOPLE, THINK!!!" & possibly VISIT a shelter, if
you can find one!!!.....get an education on the subject!
John Rich & the gang.  jdr.
[Posted in FML issue 4793]