We've taken in several 'biters', both fear biters from abuse, and a
couple that play HARD.
With 'Fang', he seemed to bite for attention, and always drew blood.  I
actually entertained the thought of renting him out for body piercing!The
scruffing, hissing, dragging and time outs did not work on him.  What I
found was that he needed special time to 'learn' to play gently.  I use a
very light touch with him, both tickle games, and chase, and when he bit
too hard, would just say 'no' softly, and continue to play with even more
softness, cuddles n kisses where he couldn't nail me.  It took a year,
but no more blood!
The other hard player just didn't know his own strength, and again,
hissing, dragging, and scruffing did not work, probably because he wasn't
exhibiting alpha behavior, so he didn't get it.  More play time, and lots
of 'no's', with cuddling n body massages when he's too worked up.  Doing
much better, no more blood
Our 2 abused ones have been far more of a challenge, with Harmony being
deaf... and a bit dim, but so loving except with playing!  Tries to drag
you into the tubes (makes it hard to pry her jaws off your finger!)
Again, time, patience, loves, paw massages, and an eye to eye sign
language 'no' (point finger at her mouth).  She no longer draws blood,
and is finally mouthing rather than biting down when playing with her
Little Beauty, teeth like needles!  Insulinomic and adrenal, I do not
know what had been done to these wee girls, but she was so fearful of
being touched, or picked up, it's taken over a year for her to learn to
relax in our arms.  She will still do the tense and splay her hind legs
when picked up, but relaxes now quickly.  She no longer fear bites, but
we did nothing special other than a lot of intense cuddling, nuzzling,
and again massage.  (and no, I'm not a massage therapist!!!)
The best thing to do is to observe what is going on that precipitates the
biting... play, aggression, agitation, or attention getting?
I just re-read your post... who is he biting????  Humans or fellow ferts?
That's a whole 'nother thing.  I also noted that you got him from a
female, and you are so not!  It may be a real guy thing for him...... and
again, special time, gentle time, and not trying to out-alpha him should
work!  I know it sucks when you have to play favorites for a bit, but if
he figures out you're his 'friend and not competition', and to be with
you is a pleasurable experience, it'll be worth it for the both of you!
Hugs, and patience! Michelle and the 15 fuzz-butts
[Posted in FML issue 4793]