To everyone: I have asked permission from Lisa to post her letter (see
below) on the FML in hopes that all will take the time to send a letter
or use Lisa's letter to the addresses listed below.  We are asking that
you email immediately to the addresses but it is very important that you
mail a hard copy also
Please forward this letter to all clubs, shelters, friends to do the
There is a court date scheduled for Soren Thinggard at the end of
February and this is our last chance to try to save these 800 ferrets.
Thanks for your help,
Email:     [log in to unmask]
Email:     [log in to unmask]
In the subject line I put: HELP!!!  WE ARE BEGGING FOR THE MERCY OF THE
February 15, 2005
Mailing  Address:   Her Royal Highness Queen Margrethe II. of  Denmark
Patroness of the Danish Animal-Welfare Association
DK-1257 KA,benhavn  K
Dear Queen Margrethe,
We are a group of ferret owners and lovers from all over the world and
have been trying to save the lives of 800 ferrets in Denmark that, sadly,
are slated to be gassed sometime at the end of February, 2005.
Our plight started back in November of 2004 when I was notified by Soren
Thinngard of Ferpharm (in Roskilde), the breeder, that he had been
trying, unsuccessfully, to sell 800 of his ferrets since the beginning
of 2004.  Apparently, new European Union cage regulations increased the
required cages sizes so drastically that Mr. Thinngard is unable to
comply as he has neither the physical space nor the funds to upgrade his
cages.  The Ministry of Justice and the local police department set Mr.
Thinngard's compliance deadline for January, 2005.
The Danish Ministry of Justice and the local police department have filed
animal abuse charges against Mr. Thinngard for the alleged abuse of four
raptors.  More information can be obtained from this Internet link:
Mr. Thinngard has, in the past, had animal abuse charges regarding the
ferrets as well.  The court date which was scheduled for the middle of
January, 2005 was postponed until the end of February.  The breeder has
told us that the authorities will force him to gas the 800 ferrets (he
will keep 200 ferrets as he can afford to expand this number of cages)
as the authorities will demand.
We have begged the Danish Ministry of Justice and the local Police
Department for months to allow us to rescue and re-home these ferrets,
but they refuse to communicate with us.  How can this man be allowed to
breed and sell pet ferrets and then just dismissively gas 800 animals
without any regard for them at all?  How can the Ministry of Justice
choose the gassing of 800 ferrets over our request to find loving,
forever homes for them?  Don't the ferrets deserve some consideration
as well?  They have been kept in VERY small cages their entire lives,
with minimal human contact.  These are very intelligent creatures that
feel pain, and, conversely, could be allowed to feel the love of a human
companion.  To play with other ferrets, to play with toys and tubes and
all the wonderful things that they've never had the opportunity to
experience.  This offer comes at a great expense to us, as well, but we
are still willing to rescue them.  This would be the largest ferret
rescue effort the world has ever seen.  We are not rich people and this
rescue would put a financial burden on a lot of us, but this will not
deter us.  Many of us will be taking money out of our retirement accounts
and/or going without things that aren't complete necessities just to
afford the opportunity to rescue these beautiful animals.
We now have to wonder if because of the enforcement of Danish "animal
protection laws", coupled with the breeder's multiple citations for
animal cruelty, if the welfare of these beautiful, intelligent, living,
breathing creatures THAT FEEL PAIN is being exploited to prove a point on
both sides?  The breeder will gas them to keep himself out of jail and
then sell the pelts to the fur traders for a few extra dollars, but the
Danish authorities would have him gas them to stop the cruelty?  Can you
not see the absurdity of this?
We have an online petition at:
As you can see by clicking on the link , we have almost six thousand
signatures from people around the globe asking to spare the lives of
these ferrets.
The whole world is watching this situation and awaiting an outcome.
PLEASE find it in your heart to help us save them.  In a world of so
much killing and lack of respect for life, we are begging you to step
in and stop this brutal, senseless act.  You can show the entire world
that Denmark is a fair country and respects the rights of defenseless
companion animals.  You could also set the world stage as an exemplary
model for all other countries to follow.  We are throwing ourselves on
the mercy of the crown.
Thank you for your consideration of this request.  We look forward to
your reply.
Very truly yours,
Lisa Oestereich,
RPA Silver Spring, Maryland
Also, please email and send to:
Office of the Lord  Chamberlain
Det Gule PalA
Amaliegade 18
DK - 1256  Copenhagen K
Tel.: + 45  33 40 10 10
Fax: + 45 33 40 11 11
Email: [log in to unmask]
Email: [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 4791]