Hello, 2005 International Ferret Symposium Attendees,
We are looking for volunteers to 'work' at the symposium.  The jobs
involve selling raffle tickets and tee shirts and helping vendors if
they need a quick break.  The shifts last about 1/2 hour and you will
be paired with a partner.  You will not be overworked :-) and it's a
wonderful way to get to know some of your fellow ferret people.
For those of you planning on coming early (Thursday) we would be most
appreciative if you could help us with stuffing goodie bags and setting
up the raffle tables.
Please contact Francine Prager at [log in to unmask] for more details.
Thank you very much.
Francine Prager
International Ferret Congress
Volunteer Coordinator
Register for the 2005 International Ferret Symposium!
[Posted in FML issue 4777]