Well, it has taken me a while to come up with sports and occupations for
some of my fuzzies, but here they go.
Frankie-would be an all star athelete, preferring soccer, but he'll play
anything where balls are concerned.  Also models on the side, always
posing for the camera, he just knows how good looking he is.
Charlie-would be a poet and a bungee jumper minus the bungee.  You see,
he's a very sweet and loveable boy (who of my kids aren't unfortunately
or I wouldn't have so many), but he loves to jump.  He think's he's
something else flying through the air onto tables and things he's not
supposed to be on, and he has some fun until Mommy comes and ruins it
for him.
Julia-Sumo wrestler, boy could she be a sumo wrestler, and a beautician
on the side, always grooming everyone else.
Cailin-Princess of a great land with lots of green snakes for her to take
from Charlie and have her way with.
Sammy-he'd be a prisoner full time for biting his mommy like he does and
giving her bruises and puncture wounds like he does.  Good thing we love
him.  But if he wasn't a prisoner, he'd be a fighter with a baby face,
see, he likes to go pouncing on everyone else, and terrorizing who he can.
Oliver-Construction worker, especially where tunnels and digging
(cornstarch peanuts) is concerned.  Oh yeah, he's your man.  Also has a
job on the side making his Mommy's heart pitter patter when he looks at
her the loving way he does, also makes Roxie's heart pitter patter, boy
do they love each other.
Roxie-Big time model in Ferret City, always making sure that her hair
looks just perfect, and that she has a lush, luxurious coat.  Also on
the side, full time girlfriend of Oliver, keeping him slim and trim so he
can be such a good looking fuzzie.  Of note (don't tell her I told you),
she's also an undercover spy, she's a petite thing who can pull out
carpet pieces from under the door and sneak her little self underneath
and check out what she's got no business checking out.
How's that for ferret activities in human terms?
Jen and Archie
The Magnificient 7 fuzzies and their dog and cat
[Posted in FML issue 4789]