Hey!  Stevy, Sierra, & Frosty here with a bit of more important
information for you all!  Now you need to pay real close attention to
this because it could mean the life of our cousins so take care and
read carefully!
You know when you go into the store to buys us fur kids things like food
and treats?  You know when you see a package with a picture of a ferret
on it, you know; the kind with handsome face just like mine; Well just
because the package has a handsome face like mine on it does not make it
GOOD or SAFE for us.
There are some companies that make ferret food and treats that have bad
bad bad things in it that will hurt us fur kids.  These foods and treats
are called BLOCKAGE IN A BAG and BLOCKAGE IN A CAN!  At least that is
what our dad calls it.  That is not the real name of it but dad says we
can not say the name of the stuffs we are talking about, but it comes in
a green and purple bag with food in it and it comes in a blue and caramel
color can with treats in it.  Dad says it is full of dried fruits and
veggies that we fur kids is NOT suppose to have.  So if you see any of
these kinds of food or treats that has things like dried bananas, papaya,
carrots, corn, raisins and such; it belongs in the garbage NOT in our
SOOOOOO PLEEEAAAASE do not buy this kind of stuff for our cousins cause
it will hurt them real real bad.
Stevy, Sierra, & Frosty
Come Visit Us At
If you cannot see the cute face in the message
click here.
Drawing is Copyright (c) by Sue Burda
[Posted in FML issue 4788]