Anyone who wishes to check out my feet while in St. Louis is welcome to!
And to mean show I have nothing to fear - I won't even
charge for it!  I have very, very small, hairless feet.  No Hobbit descendant of hobbit feet.  Size 5 1/2, no hair!  And smoking
pipeweed?  Cough...hack...cough, hack, gag!  No smoking!!!!
And I know for a fact there is no Lolli-pop kid in the bloodline either!
I could never stand wearing my breeches that high on my waist and those
socks - I've never owned a pair of socks that bright in my life!! about blinding!!!  And besides, these wee folk go around
singing all the time!  Believe don't want me to sing!
No...definitely no Lolli-pop Kid!  No Munchkin!  SORRY!!
One thing that must be taken into consideration - I may be short, but
standing beside Kim Schilling, I am a giant!
[Posted in FML issue 4776]