I really have nothing else to really say about this, except this.
Petsmart is a pet store.  They have VOLUNTARILY decided not to sell cats
and dogs.  They are a pet store.  They are well within their legal rights
to sell ferrets, cats, dogs... you name it.  They are a pet STORE.  This
is their business.  Because they have voluntarily decided not to sell
cats and dogs, we somehow think that they're obligated by some kind of
law to keep on doing just that.  They're not.  So let's not be quite so
alarmist about it, OK?
Why people give them crap, when they've gone way out of their way to be
conscious of the problem of pet overpopulation, is beyond me.  If you're
going to give Petsmart crap, then you have to give ALL pet stores crap,
not just the corporate pet stores.  Petsmart has a big red sign.  They're
an easy target.  I'm not sure they're a ferret's worst nightmare,
If you have a problem with the way ferrets are shipped (and there is a
problem, although I'm not sure it's as radical as recently posted), they
you have to talk to the people shipping the ferrets.  I'm pretty sure
Petsmart doesn't have much to say about how they're initially shipped.
You would better spend your time emailing Marshall and Path about this
problem.  Marshall and Path don't just ship ferrets to Petsmart either,
so complaining to Petsmart won't really solve the problem.
Think, people, think.
Albuquerque, NM
[Posted in FML issue 4787]