hello my sweet friends.  lots to share but as usual, will start with
the sad stuff.
Arlo was a sweet sable boy who went into a "foster" home with his
brother Monte and sister Aquila.  they went just for Christmas 2 years
ago because auntie Bonnie and uncle Nigel wanted them to have a nice
holiday.  well, none of them came back (they never do from a. Bonnie and
u. Nigel!).  We lost Aquila a while back and Arlo began having problems.
Auntie B and Uncle N not only fostered these kids, but helped to pay all
their bills.  Arlo had 4 surgeries while he was with them and was nursed
back to health every time.  Sadly, he is with me and Aquila now.  He has
a message for his "parents"
"mom and dad, i just want you to know how much i love you both.  mom, i
know you would pick me up sometimes and you would think the look i gave
you was that i was looking for someone else, a long lost loved hooman as
you put it, but that's not it.  you always said that i would look at you
and you would think i was saying 'no, you're not the one i was looking
for' but what i was saying was 'i don't want to be the one that causes
you this pain.  i don't want you to pity me, i want you to know i
appreciate EVERYTHING you do for me and you need to know i am here for a
reason'.  you showed me kindness in a world that had almost forgotten me.
you loved me when my old family didn't want me.  i love you mom, you and
dad were the only hoomans i ever wanted.
and to da, thank you for rocking me in your lap in my favorite blankie.
i'll always cherish those moments with you.  now i am your angel and i
will help watch over you"
i love you too auntie Bonnie and uncle Nigel.  i remember you so well,
feeding me my goo every week.  i'll never forget just how shocked you
were at my RAVENOUS appetite!  you used to call me the little piggie!
The shelter took in two little cuties this week.  Rufus was so terrified
when he came in, his eyes were like saucers!  he's only 1 1/2 but
has already had THREE homes!  mommie can't figure out why, he's so
smooch-able.  Sadly, he spent much of this week in the hospital.  he's
got blood in his pee pee and no one is sure why.  he's doing ok but
costing the shelter a ton of cash!
Anya is about 2 years old.  her family was having a baby so she came to
us last Sunday.  VERY thin and not eating on her own, she was just a
twig.  her poopies smelled horrible and she wasn't doing well at all.
she was taken into the vet who told mommie that Anya was near shock and
could have died if she was left much longer!  after MANY tests, almost a
week in the hospital and LOADS of money, we found out that Anya has
E.coli, the same type that killed many people in Walkerton, Ontario when
it got into the water supply.  she is contagious to hoomans and ferts
alike so she is recuperating at auntie Paige's.
Happily, Leena, Lilu and April and Mai were adopted this week!  ALL of
them went to great homes with people that love them.
A few of the Paris kids are still waiting patiently for their dental
surgeries.  we're hoping to do some fund-raising to help get that done.
Phil and Chloe are also going in for adrenals on Monday...geez, it never
ends!  i'm so glad i'm a ferret and i don't have to worry about money!
the only thing i need to think of is what i'll be eating next lol!
My love to you all, Harley "Bug"
The Ferret Aid Society "For the Love of our Fuzzy Friends"
[Posted in FML issue 4787]