I had so much fun thinking of what sports my ferrets would play....
Oscar would definatley be an olympic hurdler as I have never seen a
ferret jump so high.  (Secretly I think he believes himself to be a
flying squirrel since he spreads his arms and legs while jumping over
and off of various pieces of furniture ...just like SuperFerret)
Baby wouldn't play sports, she would be a diva actress.  She is half the
size of the others but they all listen to her.  When i clean and refill
the water bowl twice a day, she MUST be the first to drink..lol.  She
actually pushes the others away and gets mad if they try to drink....and
the boys just patiently wait.... But she acts like a little helpless baby
when playtime comes and she gets tackled
[Posted in FML issue 4786]