>If you get your ferret to like the smoothie... offer him a nibble of the
>real unblended thing.. if he still refuses to eat chunk chicken -- start
>adding SMALL chuncks to the smoothie. As he gets used to eating the
>chunks along with lapping up that chicken shake make the chunks a bit
>larger and still offer small bites from your fingers -- first a lap of
>smoothie then a bite of tiny chunk...
Our shelter mom does the same thing!  Except she uses a pressure cooker
to cook the chicken to death and grinds the bones into the mix as well.
I buy containers of it from her for my jills, kits and any sick kids I
might have.  It's amazing and I don't know of any ferrets that don't
like it. :O)
Thanks for sharing your recipe!
Chris Sayne
Ferret Friends of Pittsburgh
1 week-old kit pictures on our page now!
[Posted in FML issue 4776]