Born 6/1998
Crossed the Bridge
February 11, 2005
Dear Friends and  Family,
It is with still more tears as I write this letter to all of you.  I just
pray this doesn't continue.  I hate being the bearer of bad news again
but, this morning when I went to get our sweet D'artangnon out to play
so I could feed him and clean his cage, I found him all curled up in his
little bed.  He had crossed the bridge sometime through the night :-(.
My poor baby was the result of being a throw away after his family had
him for 5 years.  He has been with the shelter now for almost two years.
The first three months he was with us we had to force feed him.  He
finally got to where he would eat soup on his own and eventually he
started to eat dry food.  D'artangnon had this sad look about him for
almost a year.  Even after he finally settled in and knew that we loved
him and would pay a lot of attention to him he would still look sad every
now and then.  I really think he missed his family and I don't think he
ever understood why he was left here.  I believe at one time they may
have been good to him.  He loved to play with people and our black cat
Blackie Trouble but he didn't like other ferrets.  He is always going to
be loved and missed so much.  He for some reason reminded me so much of
our beloved Fitzgerald.
D'artangnon has a sponsor that is faithful each and every month.  I would
always talk to him about how much he was loved and how much his foster
Mom loved him because she always sent a donation for him and would send
presents to him.  Thank you Karen for your faithfulness.  We really
appreciate you.
He also had sponsors from the Christmas Giving tree both last Christmas
and the Christmas before.  I want you to know how very much your gifts
meant to him and how very much I appreciated you for choosing him.
We have had so many deaths to deal with since January first and I pray
that it isn't going to continue.  To start out with three were humane and
then we lost our sweet Bam, Bam and then our bottle baby Tommy cat who
was 19 years old and now our dear D'artangnon.  I pray it stops here as
we have many old timers now on meds and not doing real well.
Dart, my beloved boy you were loved so much and we will always love you.
You have left a void in our lives that can never be filled.
Go in peace my baby and may you find all the happiness you are looking
for across the Bridge.  May you find other ferrets and may you enjoy
playing with them now.  I just know that all those that went on before
you were waiting to welcome you home.  I can see you now climbing up on
Jesus lap because you love to sit on laps.  Jesus will take good care of
you and so will Grandma J.  my dear Mom.
As the tears roll down my face I must say good-bye to you my sweet boy.
Until one day we can all be together again please know that,
We Will Always Love and Miss You
Mommy, Sue, Angel and of course Blackie the Cat that you loved to play
[Posted in FML issue 4786]