Sno went to see Dr. Allene for a reckeck this afternoon.  I tried to
push fluids since yesterday hoping she wouldn't have to have an IV.  It
was not to be.  She was in pain after drinking and really had no interest
in food.  However, she is still very alert and active.  So, Dr. Allene
is keeping her to rehydrate her and get her first meds in her.  We were
unable to draw enough blood for testing but she'll have it redrawn and
tested when she's a little more hydrated.  We don't expect to find
anything abnormal but you never know.  She's carrying a diagnosis of
Helicobacter and is being treated for that.  I hated to leave her but I
don't want her to get past the point of no return and lose her
Thank you to all who've offered good thoughts and prayers.
Christa and Kathryn
Sno, Pooh, Lexus, Maggie, Anna-Belle, Princess, Scarlett, and Blaise
Missing Holly, Michael, Lucy, and Rocky
'Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved
body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "...
holy s**t... what a ride!"
Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.
[Posted in FML issue 4785]