I have created a support group for those of us who directly deal with
sheltering on a day to day basis.  It is called FerretShelterForum.  So
shelter mom and dads join me so that we have a safe place to discuss
issues pertaining to sheltering, like Fundraising, vet issues, dealing
with death, adoption contracts and screening process etc.  We can all
benefit from banning together to provide the best possible care for the
ferrets who walk into our hearts and homes.
Here is the link:
Marguerite from TinyPrints Ferret Rescue
TinyPrints On The Heart.....
TinyPrints Shih Tzu, TinyPrints Ferretry and Rescue
Ebay Sales to Benefit TinyPrints Ferret Rescue Medical Fund
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue PetFinder Web Page
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue Store
[Posted in FML issue 4784]