Wolfy writes
>you join me in this venture to prove her blood linage in St. Louis.
>We'll put on the docket that Vulcan is to be investigated along with
>Elfin and Dwarf-en (lol) races.  We'll settle this one way or another.
>I'm asking for those who want to help to approach me in St. Louis. We
>need volunteer axe searchers, ear investigators, etc
Has anyone considered that Judy might be a Hobbit?  They are short, enjoy
their food, and (in Peter Jackson's vision at least) have pointed ears!
I think this possibility must be taken into consideration.  How do we
tell if she is a hobbit?  Offer her some pipe weed--hobbits cannot resist
pipe weed.  It will be a sure sign!
Linda Iroff
no relation to Lindaferret
[Posted in FML issue 4775]