My little guy has cancer.  For several days he was unable to even put his
head down and get comfortable without pain meds.  The last couple of days
he has been eating, not a lot, but sleeping and pooping and kissing with
no pain meds.  He slept through the night and he seems to be doing okay.
I understand there are good days and bad days.  But this is my first
experieince with cancer and I don't understand how the body works.  How
can there be good days and bad days?  What is going on in there little
bodies.  I also sent an e-mail to a women who recently lost a fuzzie with
cancer and she has two more at home.  I recieved an e-mail back but I
didn't recognize the address and deleted it.  I am so preoccupied, with
Alex sick and trying to put in my 10 hour days at work.  I apologize.
Please resend.
And thanks everyone for you help.
Lorraine and Alex
[Posted in FML issue 4783]